New Member Signup

In order to better manage our community, all new members must fill out an "application".

This allows us to  manage new members as well as potential fake accounts. In order to be

considered a "member" you must sign up. But everyone is welcome!

*Please note that this will NOT create an "account". Once you fill out the New Member form, follow the instructions below to continue!

Getting Started

Now that you're officially part of the community, here is a quick list of resources to help get going! 

Create an account *Optional - (used for purchasing/future website additions)

Once you've submitted the New Member Form, you'll want to make an account. This will allow you to purchase from our store and access future additions to the website that will require unique account access. Follow the steps below to create your account!

Step 1:

- Press the "account" icon to access the "Log In" page. 

- Choose "Need an account"

Step 2:

- Enter the E-mail address you used in the New Member Signup form

- Choose a password

- Create Account!

Step 3:

- You'll receive a confirmation note

- Check your e-mail for a verification link and press it. It will look just like the photo on the right (Leads right back to our website!)

Step 4:

- Done! 


 You now have an active account. Use it to view your shop orders, account info and more in future updates!

Discord - Community Centered Chat

We use Discord as our primary source of group communication. Join the main server and hop in any of over a dozen specific chat channels. From General chat and Build help to Events and giveaways; you're sure to find a place to chat with other members! Download on desktop or mobile and always stay in the know!

GAIA GPS - Maps and Trail Coordination

We've tried several different map systems and settled on Gaia GPS. It's high detailed maps with the ability to add poi's, trail notes and more make it perfect for easy navigating. Shareable and printable maps make new trails not so intimidating. Our ever-growing list of inclusive trails are also available for Android Auto and Apple CarPlay!